Movies like The Chapman Report to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie The Chapman Report with Claire Bloom, Efrem Zimbalist, Jane Fonda, JR & Shelley Winters & created by George Cukor?

Movies like The Chapman Report with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Chapman Report?

Based on the best-selling novel by Irving Wallace that was inspired by the Kinsey Report on the sexual mores of suburban women, the film follows the personal (read sexual) lives of four ...

TAGLINE: "The personal story behind a sex survey ... from the controversial best selling novel."

Its release date is Friday October 5, 1962

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Sex, Sexual Exploitation, Sexuality & Suburbia
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director George Cukor
Starring Claire Bloom, Efrem Zimbalist, Jane Fonda, JR & Shelley Winters
Place Los Angeles
Written by Don Mankiewicz (screenplay), Gene Allen (adaptation), Grant Stuart (adaptation), Irving Wallace (novel) & Wyatt Cooper (screenplay)
Cinematography Harold Lipstein
Music Leonard Rosenman
Runtime 125 min

Other Comedy movies by George Cukor

Les Girls | Jan 1st, 1957

Les Girls
6.7/10 | By George Cukor
The United States | Comedy, Music & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

One Hour with You | Mar 22nd, 1932

One Hour with You
7.4/10 | By Ernst Lubitsch & George Cukor
The United States | Comedy, Music & Romance
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