Movies like The Clay Pigeon to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime movie The Clay Pigeon with Barbara Hale, Bill Williams, Richard Loo & Richard Quine & created by Richard Fleischer?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Clay Pigeon?
Jim Fletcher, waking up from a coma, finds he is to be given a court martial for treason and charged with informing on fellow inmates in a Japanese prison camp during WWII. Escaping from ...
Its release date is Wednesday June 29, 1949
Its release date is Wednesday June 29, 1949
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Amnesia, Coma, Court Martial, Film Noir, Suspense & Waking From Coma |
Genre | Crime |
Country | The United States |
Director | Richard Fleischer |
Starring | Barbara Hale, Bill Williams, Richard Loo & Richard Quine |
Written by | Carl Foreman (story and screenplay) |
Runtime | 63 min |