Movies like The Corsican File to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie The Corsican File with Caterina Murino, Christian Clavier, Didier Flamand & Jean Reno & created by Alain Berbérian?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Corsican File?

Rémi François is a detective who is hired to find Ange Leoni, a Corsican who apparently has inherited a 2 million euros house.
Its release date is Wednesday October 6, 2004

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Genre Comedy
Country France
Director Alain Berbérian
Starring Caterina Murino, Christian Clavier, Didier Flamand & Jean Reno
Place Corsica
Location Corsica
Written by Christian Clavier, Michel Delgado (adaptation) & Pétillon (comic book)
Runtime 92 min

Other Comedy movies by Alain Berbérian

Paparazzi | Dec 18th, 1998

5.4/10 | By Alain Berbérian & Neri Parenti
Italy | Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

Dead Weight | Apr 10th, 2002

Dead Weight
6.0/10 | By Alain Berbérian & Frédéric Forestier
France & United Kingdom | Comedy
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Other Comedy movies written by Christian Clavier

French Fried Vacation 3 | Feb 1st, 2006

French Fried Vacation 3
4.0/10 | By Patrice Leconte
France | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

Santa Claus Is a Stinker | Aug 25th, 1982

Santa Claus Is a Stinker
7.6/10 | By Jean-Marie Poiré
France | Comedy
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