Movies like The Cutting Edge 3: Chasing the Dream to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie The Cutting Edge 3: Chasing the Dream with Alycia Purrott, Benjamin Hollingsworth, Matt Lanter & Sarah Gadon & created by Stuart Gillard?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Cutting Edge 3: Chasing the Dream?
Rich, handsome, courteous Seattle golden boy Zack Conroy's figure skating partner Celeste Mercier is disabled for months in a training accident. Like their coach Bryan Hemmings, she insists...
Its release date is Sunday March 16, 2008
Its release date is Sunday March 16, 2008
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Figure Skating, Ice skating, Sequel, Sport & Sport Competition |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Romance |
Country | Canada |
Director | Stuart Gillard |
Starring | Alycia Purrott, Benjamin Hollingsworth, Matt Lanter & Sarah Gadon |
Place | Miami, Paris & Seattle |
Time | 2008 |
Written by | Randall M. Badat (story), Randall M. Badat (teleplay) & Susan Estelle Jansen (story) |
Cinematography | Pierre Jodoin |
Music | Robert Duncan (composer) |
Runtime | 90 min |