Movies like The Day a Pig Fell into the Well to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Day a Pig Fell into the Well with Cho Eun-sook, Kim Eui-sung, Lee Eung-kyeong & Song Kang-ho & created by Sang-soo Hong?

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About desires and lives of four characters in diverse circumstances. A poor novelist, a cheating wife, a mysophobic husband and a ticket girl.
Its release date is Saturday May 4, 1996

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Genre Drama
Country South Korea
Director Sang-soo Hong
Starring Cho Eun-sook, Kim Eui-sung, Lee Eung-kyeong & Song Kang-ho
Written by Hyo-seo Koo
Cinematography Cho Dong kwan
Music Ok Kil sung
Runtime 115 min

Other Drama movies by Sang-soo Hong

Night and Day | Feb 28th, 2008

Night and Day
7.2/10 | By Sang-soo Hong
South Korea | Drama
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