Movies like The Day of the Beast to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Comedy & Horror movie The Day of the Beast with Alex Angulo, Armando De Razza, Santiago Segura & Terele Pávez & created by Álex de la Iglesia?

Movies like The Day of the Beast with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Day of the Beast?

A Catholic priest teams up with a Black Metal aficionado and an Italian connoisseur of the occult to avert the birth of the beast, and with it, the end of the world.

TAGLINE: "A devilishly dark comedy"

Its release date is Friday October 20, 1995

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Black Magic, Hallucinogen, Heavy Metal, Madrid, Neo-nazi, Prophecy, Telecaster & Virgin
Genre Action, Comedy & Horror
Country Italy & Spain
Director Álex de la Iglesia
Starring Alex Angulo, Armando De Razza, Santiago Segura & Terele Pávez
Place Madrid
Location Madrid
Written by Álex de la Iglesia (screenplay) & Jorge Guerricaechevarría (screenplay)
Cinematography Flavio Martínez Labiano
Music Battista Lena
Runtime 99 min

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The Last Circus
6.6/10 | By Álex de la Iglesia
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