Movies like The Departure to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Romance movie The Departure with Catherine-Isabelle Duport, Jacqueline Bir, Jean-Pierre Léaud & Paul Roland & created by Jerzy Skolimowski?

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A fast-paced comedy about a young Belgian car nut and hairdresser's apprentice, his girlfriend, and their legal and illegal attempts to get a Porsche under him for his nearing debut race.
Its release date is Monday March 6, 1967

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Topic Belgium, Car Mechanic, Car Race & Porsche
Genre Comedy, Drama & Romance
Country Belgium
Director Jerzy Skolimowski
Starring Catherine-Isabelle Duport, Jacqueline Bir, Jean-Pierre Léaud & Paul Roland
Written by Andrzej Kostenko & Jerzy Skolimowski
Music Krzysztof Komeda
Runtime 93 min