Movies like The Devil’s Eye to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Fantasy movie The Devil’s Eye with Bibi Andersson, Gertrud Fridh, Nils Poppe & Stig Järrel & created by Ingmar Bergman?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Devil’s Eye?

The devil has a stye in his eye, caused by the purity of a vicar's daughter. To get rid of it, he sends Don Juan up from hell to seduce the 20 year old Britt-Marie and to rob her of her ...
Its release date is Monday October 17, 1960

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Genre Comedy, Drama & Fantasy
Country Sweden
Director Ingmar Bergman
Starring Bibi Andersson, Gertrud Fridh, Nils Poppe & Stig Järrel
Written by Ingmar Bergman (screenplay)
Runtime 87 min