Movies like The Diving Bell and the Butterfly to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Diving Bell and the Butterfly with Anne Consigny, Emmanuelle Seigner, Marie-Josée Croze & Mathieu Amalric & created by Julian Schnabel?

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The true story of Elle editor Jean-Dominique Bauby who suffers a stroke and has to live with an almost totally paralyzed body; only his left eye isn't paralyzed.

TAGLINE: "Let your imagination set you free"

Its release date is Tuesday May 22, 2007

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Topic Biographical Actors, Biographical Writers, Dying And Death, Editor-in-chief, French, Independent Film, Lover (female), Paraplegics Or Quadriplegics, Patient, Psychological Stress & Writing
Genre Drama
Country France & The United States
Director Julian Schnabel
Starring Anne Consigny, Emmanuelle Seigner, Marie-Josée Croze & Mathieu Amalric
Place France
Time 1990s
Written by Jean-Dominique Bauby (book) & Ronald Harwood (screenplay)
Cinematography Janusz Kamiński
Music Paul Cantelon
Runtime 112 min

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