Movies like The Dragon Pearl to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure & Family movie The Dragon Pearl with Li Lin Jin, Robert Mammone, Sam Neill & Wang Ji & created by Mario Andreacchio?

Movies like The Dragon Pearl with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Dragon Pearl?

Josh and Ling were expecting a boring vacation visiting each of their parents at an archaeological dig in China. But the new friends soon discover they're right in the middle of an adventure when they find a Chinese Golden Dragon.

TAGLINE: "Finding courage when no-one believes"

Its release date is Friday March 11, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Archaeological Dig & Dragons
Genre Adventure & Family
Country Australia
Director Mario Andreacchio
Starring Li Lin Jin, Robert Mammone, Sam Neill & Wang Ji
Written by John Armstrong (original script), John Armstrong (story), Mario Andreacchio (story), Philip Dalkin (screenplay) & Ron Saunders (story)
Runtime 93 min