Movies like The Earthquake to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Earthquake with Artyom Bystrov, Konstantin Lavronenko, Mariya Mironova & Sabina Akhmedova & created by Sarik Andreasyan?

Movies like The Earthquake with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Earthquake?

Leninakan, Armenian SSR, USSR, 1988. After the devastating Spitak earthquake of December 7th, Konstantin Berezhnoy, a 50-year-old Russian, and Robert Melkonyan, a 28-year-old Armenian, work together to rescue the desperate survivors.
Its release date is Thursday December 1, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Armenia, Catastrophe, Earthquake, Mass Destruction & Soviet Union
Genre Drama
Country Armenia
Director Sarik Andreasyan
Starring Artyom Bystrov, Konstantin Lavronenko, Mariya Mironova & Sabina Akhmedova
Written by Aleksey Gravitskiy, Arsen Danielyan (participation), Grant Barsegyan (participation) & Sergey Yudakov
Runtime 101 min

Other Drama movies by Sarik Andreasyan

Mommies, Happy New Year! | Dec 27th, 2012

Mommies, Happy New Year!
6.7/10 | By Anton Bormatov, Artyom Aksenenko, Dmitriy Grachev, Klim Poplavskiy, Sarik Andreasyan & Xavier Dolan
Russia | Comedy & Drama
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Mommies | Mar 1st, 2012

7/10 | By Alan Badoev, Ashot Keshchyan, Dmitriy Dyuzhev, Eldar Salavatov, Elexis Monroe, Evgeniy Abyzov, Karen Oganesyan, Sarik Andreasyan & Tikhon Kornev
Russia | Comedy & Drama
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