Movies like The Evil of Frankenstein to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Science Fiction movie The Evil of Frankenstein with Duncan Lamont, Peter Cushing, Peter Woodthorpe & Sandor Elès & created by Freddie Francis?

Movies like The Evil of Frankenstein with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Evil of Frankenstein?

Penniless, Baron Frankenstein, accompanied by his eager assistant Hans, arrives at his family castle near the town of Karlstaad, vowing to continue his experiments in the creation of life. ...

TAGLINE: "He's never been more shocking! shocking! shocking!"

Its release date is Wednesday April 8, 1964

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Castle, Frankenstein, Hammer Horror & Mad scientist
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country United Kingdom
Director Freddie Francis
Starring Duncan Lamont, Peter Cushing, Peter Woodthorpe & Sandor Elès
Written by Anthony Hinds (screenplay)
Cinematography John Wilcox (cinematographer)
Music Don Banks
Runtime 84 min

Other Horror movies by Freddie Francis

Paranoiac | May 9th, 1963

7.0/10 | By Freddie Francis
United Kingdom | Drama, Horror & Mystery
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Other Horror movies written by Anthony Hinds (screenplay)

Scars of Dracula | Nov 8th, 1970

Scars of Dracula
6.2/10 | By Roy Ward Baker
United Kingdom | Horror
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