Movies like The Familiar Stranger to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie The Familiar Stranger with Aaron Ashmore, Jay O. Sanders, Margaret Colin & Michael Cera & created by Alan Metzger?
Movies like The Familiar Stranger with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Familiar Stranger?
A woman discovers that her husband faked his death and assumed a new identity, while she struggled for 10 years as a single mother.
Its release date is Monday March 12, 2001
Its release date is Monday March 12, 2001
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Dysfunctional Families |
Country | United States of America |
Director | Alan Metzger |
Starring | Aaron Ashmore, Jay O. Sanders, Margaret Colin & Michael Cera |
Written by | Alan Hines |
Runtime | 91 min |