Movies like The Final Inquiry to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Drama & History movie The Final Inquiry with Daniele Liotti, Dolph Lundgren, Hristo Shopov & Mónica Cruz & created by Giulio Base?

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In 35 A.D., a Roman tribune is sent to Palestine to investigate the death and possible resurrection of a certain Jesus from Nasareth.

TAGLINE: "One truth could destroy an Empire."

Its release date is Wednesday December 13, 2006

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Christianity, Jesus Christ, Portrayals Of Jesus, Religion & Resurrection
Genre Adventure, Drama & History
Country Bulgaria & Spain
Director Giulio Base
Starring Daniele Liotti, Dolph Lundgren, Hristo Shopov & Mónica Cruz
Place Ancient Rome, Jerusalem & Roman Empire
Time 1st Century
Written by Andrea Porporati (screenplay), Ennio Flaiano (story), Suso Cecchi D'Amico (story) & Valerio Manfredi (treatment)
Music Andrea Morricone
Runtime 112 min