Movies like The Fog to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Science Fiction & War movie The Fog with Artyom Krestnikov, Igor Shmakov, Ilya Glinnikov & Vasily Raksha & created by Bahram Tavakoli & John Carpenter?
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Amin is in coma and has forgotten almost everything about the past, but he remembers some of his misty memories. He decides to make a new past for himself with recollection of these memories.
Its release date is Sunday May 9, 2010
Its release date is Sunday May 9, 2010
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Revenge & Zombies Revenants Popular Culture |
Genre | Drama, Science Fiction & War |
Country | Russia |
Director | Bahram Tavakoli & John Carpenter |
Starring | Artyom Krestnikov, Igor Shmakov, Ilya Glinnikov & Vasily Raksha |
Place | California |
Location | California |
Written by | Bahram Tavakoli & N/A |
Cinematography | Dean Cundey |
Music | John Carpenter |
Runtime | 87 min |