Movies like The Fox’s Widow to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie The Fox’s Widow with Harald Heide-Steen Jr., Siri Rom & Trine Pedersen & created by Ivo Caprino?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Fox’s Widow?

Based on a Norwegian folk tale, with the addition of a second tale and a scene from a third. - The basic story: Mr. Fox is dead. His widow, Reve-enka (literally "the fox widow"), sits alone...
Its release date is Sunday February 25, 1962

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Country Norway
Director Ivo Caprino
Starring Harald Heide-Steen Jr., Siri Rom & Trine Pedersen
Written by Jørgen Moe & Peter Christen Asbjørnsen
Runtime 15 min