Movies like The Gangster to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime movie The Gangster with Akim Tamiroff, Barry Sullivan, Belita & Joan Lorring & created by Gordon Wiles & Ridley Scott?

Movies like The Gangster with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Gangster?

Barry Sulivan is a cynical gangster who controls the Neptune Beach waterfront. He runs a numbers racket with the local soda shop owner: the police are in his pocket and the local hoods are on his payroll.


Its release date is Tuesday November 25, 1947

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic African American Organized Crime, B Movie, Drugs, Film Noir & Race Ethnicity
Genre Crime
Country The United States
Director Gordon Wiles & Ridley Scott
Starring Akim Tamiroff, Barry Sullivan, Belita & Joan Lorring
Place North Carolina & Thailand
Time 1960s & 1970s
Written by Daniel Fuchs (screenplay) & Daniel Fuchs (story "Low Company")
Cinematography Harris Savides
Music Marc Streitenfeld
Runtime 84 min

Other Crime movies by Gordon Wiles

Charlie Chan in Dead Men Tell
7.5/10 | By Gordon Wiles & Harry Lachman
The United States | Crime, Mystery & Thriller
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Other Crime movies written by Daniel Fuchs (screenplay)

Criss Cross | Jan 12th, 1949

Criss Cross
7.6/10 | By Robert Siodmak
The United States | Crime & Drama
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The Underneath | Apr 28th, 1995

The Underneath
6.2/10 | By Steven Soderbergh
The United States | Crime & Thriller
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