Movies like The Garden of Eden to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Garden of Eden with Carmen Maura, Jack Huston, Mena Suvari & Richard E. Grant & created by John Irvin?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Garden of Eden?
A young American writer completes his service in WWI and travels across Europe with his wife and her attractive Italian girlfriend. Based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway.
Its release date is Tuesday January 1, 2008
Its release date is Tuesday January 1, 2008
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama |
Country | United Kingdom |
Director | John Irvin |
Starring | Carmen Maura, Jack Huston, Mena Suvari & Richard E. Grant |
Written by | Ernest Hemingway (novel) & James Scott Linville (screenplay) |
Runtime | 111 min |