Movies like The Hackers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie The Hackers with Dale Caughel, Howard Coburn, Michelle Rank & Steve Pricharo & created by John Duncan?

Movies like The Hackers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Hackers?

A girl is offered to stay weeks at a country estate while the family is on a trip. When the hackers arrive on the scene to do some repair work, a terrifying chain of events take place with a shocking ending.
Its release date is Friday January 1, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Computer Hacking, Computing, Malware Fiction & Slasher
Genre Horror
Country United States of America
Director John Duncan
Starring Dale Caughel, Howard Coburn, Michelle Rank & Steve Pricharo
Place Washington (state)
Time 1988 & 1995
Location New York City
Written by N/A
Runtime 80 min

Other Horror movies written by N/A

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