Movies like The Hills Have Eyes to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie The Hills Have Eyes with James Whitworth, John Steadman, Martin Speer & Russ Grieve & created by Martin Weisz & Wes Craven?

Movies like The Hills Have Eyes with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Hills Have Eyes?

On the way to California, a family has the misfortune to have their car break down in an area closed to the public, and inhabited by violent savages ready to attack.

TAGLINE: "A nice American family. They didn't want to kill. But they didn't want to die."

Its release date is Friday July 22, 1977

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Blood, Cannibal, Cannibalism Fiction, Desert, Dog, Government, Incest, Murder, Mutation, Obscenity Controversies & Rape
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director Martin Weisz & Wes Craven
Starring James Whitworth, John Steadman, Martin Speer & Russ Grieve
Place Nevada
Location Morocco
Written by Wes Craven
Cinematography Eric Saarinen & Sam McCurdy
Music Don Peake & Trevor Morris (musician)
Runtime 89 min

Other Horror movies by Martin Weisz

Other Horror movies written by Wes Craven

Shocker | Oct 27th, 1989

5.5/10 | By Wes Craven
United States of America | Comedy, Horror & Thriller
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My Soul to Take | Oct 8th, 2010

My Soul to Take
4.8/10 | By Wes Craven
The United States | Drama, Horror & Mystery
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