Movies like The Hunchback of Notre Dame to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Animation, Drama & Family movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame with Demi Moore, Kevin Kline, Tom Hulce & Tony Jay & created by Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise?
Movies like The Hunchback of Notre Dame with the highest similarity score
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Its release date is Friday June 21, 1996
What similar themes are we looking for?
Animated Death, Based On Book, based on novel, Dance, Gargoyles Popular Culture, Judge, Mockery, Obsession, Paris, Prejudice, Racism, Sword & Ugliness
Animation, Drama & Family
The United States
Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise
Demi Moore, Kevin Kline, Tom Hulce & Tony Jay
France & Paris
15th Century
Written by
Bob Tzudiker (animation screenplay by), Brenda Chapman (story), Burny Mattinson (story), Christine Blum (story), Denis Rich (story), Ed Gombert (story), Floyd Norman (story), Francis Glebas (story), Gaëtan Brizzi (story), Geefwee Boedoe (story), Irene Mecchi (animation screenplay by), James Fujii (story), Jeff Snow (story), Jim Capobianco (story), John Sanford (story), Jonathan Roberts (animation screenplay by), Kelly Wightman (story), Kevin Harkey (story), Kirk Hanson (story), Noni White (animation screenplay by), Paul Brizzi (story), Sue C. Nichols (story), Tab Murphy (animation screenplay by), Tab Murphy (animation story by), Victor Hugo (from the novel "Notre Dame de Paris" by) & Will Finn (additional screenplay material by)
Alan Menken
91 min