Movies like The Indian Runner to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Indian Runner with David Morse, Patricia Arquette, Valeria Golino & Viggo Mortensen & created by Sean Penn?

Movies like The Indian Runner with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Indian Runner?

A Vietnam vet comes home to his small town and finds himself in conflict with rules that his brother has vowed to uphold.
Its release date is Sunday May 19, 1991

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Sibling Relationship
Genre Drama
Country Japan & The United States
Director Sean Penn
Starring David Morse, Patricia Arquette, Valeria Golino & Viggo Mortensen
Place Nebraska
Time 1960s
Location Nebraska
Written by Sean Penn
Cinematography Anthony B. Richmond
Music Jack Nitzsche
Runtime 127 min

Other Drama movies by Sean Penn

The Wilding | Feb 13th, 2012

The Wilding
5.3/10 | By Grant Scicluna & Sean Penn
Australia | Drama & Romance

11’09”01 – September 11
7.0/10 | By Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Amos Gitai, Claude Lelouch, Danis Tanovic, Idrissa Ouedraogo, Ken Loach, Mira Nair, Samira Makhmalbaf, Sean Penn, Shôhei Imamura & Youssef Chahine
Bosnia and Herzegovina & Burkina Faso | Drama
No streaming sources available just yet

The Pledge | Jan 9th, 2001

The Pledge
6.8/10 | By Sean Penn
The United States | Crime, Drama & Mystery
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

Other Drama movies written by Sean Penn

The Crossing Guard | Nov 15th, 1995

The Crossing Guard
6.3/10 | By Sean Penn
The United States | Drama & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Starz