Movies like The Iron Giant to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Animation & Family movie The Iron Giant with Christopher McDonald, Eli Marienthal, Jennifer Aniston & Vin Diesel & created by Brad Bird?
Movies like The Iron Giant with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Iron Giant?
A young boy befriends a giant robot from outer space that a paranoid government agent wants to destroy.
Its release date is Friday August 6, 1999
A young boy befriends a giant robot from outer space that a paranoid government agent wants to destroy.
TAGLINE: "It came from outer space!"
Its release date is Friday August 6, 1999
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | 1950s, Animated Death, Animated Friendship, Cold War, Fear Of Unknown, Friendship, Giant Robot, Nuclear War Weapons & Suicide |
Genre | Adventure, Animation & Family |
Country | The United States |
Director | Brad Bird |
Starring | Christopher McDonald, Eli Marienthal, Jennifer Aniston & Vin Diesel |
Place | Maine |
Time | 1957 |
Written by | Brad Bird (screen story by), Jerry Siegel (character created by: Superman), Joe Shuster (character created by: Superman), Ted Hughes (based on the book "The Iron Man" by) & Tim McCanlies (screenplay by) |
Cinematography | Steven Wilzbach |
Music | Michael Kamen |
Runtime | 86 min |