Movies like The Italian to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie The Italian with Kad Merad, Philippe Lefebvre, Roland Giraud & Valérie Benguigui & created by Olivier Baroux?

Movies like The Italian with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Italian?

Life smiles at Dino Fabrizzi,a cool forty-two-year old Italian. Not only is he the most successful salesman at The Maserati dealership in Nice but he has had a steady (and hot) relationship with Hélène,his girlfriend, who is begin...
Its release date is Wednesday July 7, 2010

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Genre Comedy
Country France
Director Olivier Baroux
Starring Kad Merad, Philippe Lefebvre, Roland Giraud & Valérie Benguigui
Written by Jean-Paul Bathany, Olivier Baroux & Stéphane Ben Lahcene
Runtime 102 min

Other Comedy movies by Olivier Baroux

Safari | Apr 1st, 2009

4.5/10 | By Olivier Baroux
France | Adventure & Comedy
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video iTunes

Les Tuche 3 | Jan 31st, 2018

Les Tuche 3
4.8/10 | By Olivier Baroux
France | Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes