Movies like The Judge to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Judge with Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Vera Farmiga & Vincent D'Onofrio & created by David Dobkin?

Movies like The Judge with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Judge?

Big-city lawyer Hank Palmer returns to his childhood home where his father, the town's judge, is suspected of murder. Hank sets out to discover the truth and, along the way, reconnects with his estranged family.

TAGLINE: "Defend your Honor."

Its release date is Wednesday October 8, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Dysfunctional Families, Judge, Law, Lawyer & parent child relationship
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director David Dobkin
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Vera Farmiga & Vincent D'Onofrio
Place Chicago & Indiana
Time 2014
Location Massachusetts
Written by Bill Dubuque (screenplay), David Dobkin (story), Nick Schenk (screenplay) & Nick Schenk (story)
Cinematography Janusz Kamiński
Music Thomas Newman
Runtime 141 min

Other Drama movies by David Dobkin

Clay Pigeons | Sep 25th, 1998

Clay Pigeons
6.6/10 | By David Dobkin & David Dobkin (director)
Germany & The United States | Comedy, Crime & Drama
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Fred Claus | Nov 3rd, 2007

Fred Claus
5.6/10 | By David Dobkin
The United States | Action, Comedy & Drama
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