Movies like The Knife to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Knife with Ellen Vogel, Louise Videc, Paul Camermans & Reitze van der Linden & created by Fons Rademakers?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Knife?

A young boy coming into puberty is resentful of his mother's budding romance with the best friend of her late husband, and is torn and confused about his emerging feelings for Toni, a young...
Its release date is Thursday March 2, 1961

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Puberty
Genre Drama
Country The Netherlands
Director Fons Rademakers
Starring Ellen Vogel, Louise Videc, Paul Camermans & Reitze van der Linden
Written by Hugo Claus (novel) & Hugo Claus (screenplay)
Cinematography Eduard van der Enden
Runtime 89 min