Movies like The Legend of Hercules to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action & Adventure movie The Legend of Hercules with Gaia Weiss, Kellan Lutz, Liam McIntyre & Scott Adkins & created by Renny Harlin?

Movies like The Legend of Hercules with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Legend of Hercules?

The origin story of the mythical Greek hero. Betrayed by his stepfather, the King, and exiled and sold into slavery because of a forbidden love, Hercules must use his formidable powers to fight his way back to his rightful kingdom.

TAGLINE: "Every Man Has a Destiny"

Its release date is Friday January 10, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Ancient Greece, City Of Argos, Demigod, Gladiatorial Combat, Heracles, Mistaken Parentage, Mythology & Zeus
Genre Action & Adventure
Country The United States
Director Renny Harlin
Starring Gaia Weiss, Kellan Lutz, Liam McIntyre & Scott Adkins
Location Bulgaria
Written by Daniel Giat, Giulio Steve, Renny Harlin & Sean Hood
Cinematography Sam McCurdy
Music Tuomas Kantelinen
Runtime 99 min

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