Movies like The Legend of Shaolin Temple to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action movie The Legend of Shaolin Temple with Baoqiang Wang, Liu Haoran, Ng Man-Tat & Ni Dahong?

Movies like The Legend of Shaolin Temple with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Legend of Shaolin Temple?

Ximen Debao is an innkeeper without big ambitions. In order to attract business, he instructs his younger brother Tu Hao and his friends to pose as robbers and rob passers-by, and at critical moments he assists them by posing as a saviour and crime-fighter, and then guides the customers into the shop. The good times don't last long, as Tak Po's scam is exposed by a mysterious monk who finds it difficult to continue. In the meantime, the assassin of Lingzhou, He Snap, kills the imperial envoy in order to seize the treasure map hidden in the inn, and frames Debao for the crime. Overnight, Debao becomes a wanted criminal and his son, Yau Fei, dies. In order to take revenge, Debao begins to train with a monk.
Its release date is Friday February 12, 2021

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Topic Animated Television Series Children, Animated Television Series Orphans & Deicide Fiction
Genre Action
Country China
Starring Baoqiang Wang, Liu Haoran, Ng Man-Tat & Ni Dahong