Movies like The Longest Yard to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Crime & Drama movie The Longest Yard with Burt Reynolds, Ed Lauter, Eddie Albert & Michael Conrad & created by Robert Aldrich?

Movies like The Longest Yard with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Longest Yard?

A sadistic warden asks a former pro quarterback, now serving time in his prison, to put together a team of inmates to take on (and get pummeled by) the guards.

TAGLINE: "It's Survival of the Fiercest and Funniest"

Its release date is Wednesday August 21, 1974

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic American Football, Georgia, Palm Beach, Prison, Quarterback & Sports
Genre Comedy, Crime & Drama
Country United States of America
Director Robert Aldrich
Starring Burt Reynolds, Ed Lauter, Eddie Albert & Michael Conrad
Location Georgia, Savannah & South Carolina
Written by Al Ruddy (story) & Tracy Keenan Wynn (screenplay)
Runtime 121 min

Other Comedy movies by Robert Aldrich

…All the Marbles | Oct 16th, 1981

…All the Marbles
6.3/10 | By Robert Aldrich
The United States | Action, Comedy & Drama
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