Movies like The Louisiana Hussy to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Drama movie The Louisiana Hussy with Betty Lynn, Nan Peterson, Peter Coe & Robert Richards & created by Lee Sholem?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Louisiana Hussy?
Cajun newlyweds must deal with the jealousy of his brother, who also loved her, and the arrival of a mysterious seductress in their bayou backwater.
Its release date is Wednesday April 1, 1959
Cajun newlyweds must deal with the jealousy of his brother, who also loved her, and the arrival of a mysterious seductress in their bayou backwater.
TAGLINE: "She Got What She Wanted ... Giving Men What They Wanted!"
Its release date is Wednesday April 1, 1959
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | B Movie, Louisiana & Swamp |
Genre | Crime & Drama |
Country | United States of America |
Director | Lee Sholem |
Starring | Betty Lynn, Nan Peterson, Peter Coe & Robert Richards |
Written by | Charles Lang (original screenplay) |
Runtime | 85 min |