Movies like The Man without a Face to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Man without a Face with Fay Masterson, Margaret Whitton, Mel Gibson & Nick Stahl & created by Mel Gibson?

Movies like The Man without a Face with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Man without a Face?

Chuck wants to leave home but can't make the grade for boarding school. Then he finds out the disfigured recluse living nearby is an ex-teacher.

TAGLINE: "A fatherless boy had almost given up all his dreams... until one man believed in him enough to make them come true."

Its release date is Wednesday August 25, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Boarding School, Face Transplant, Friendship, Love, Secret & Suspicion
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director Mel Gibson
Starring Fay Masterson, Margaret Whitton, Mel Gibson & Nick Stahl
Time 1968
Location Maine
Written by Isabelle Holland (novel) & Malcolm MacRury (screenplay)
Cinematography Donald McAlpine
Music James Horner
Runtime 115 min

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Hacksaw Ridge | Oct 7th, 2016

Hacksaw Ridge
8.2/10 | By Mel Gibson
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