Movies like The Marine to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Drama movie The Marine with Abigail Bianca, John Cena, Kelly Carlson & Robert Patrick & created by John Bonito?

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A group of diamond thieves on the run kidnap the wife of a recently discharged marine who goes on a chase through the South Carolinian wilderness to retrieve her.

TAGLINE: "War is Fine But The Fight Continues"

Its release date is Friday October 13, 2006

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Change, Gangster, Iraq War, United States Marine Corps, War & Wife
Genre Action, Adventure & Drama
Country The United States
Director John Bonito
Starring Abigail Bianca, John Cena, Kelly Carlson & Robert Patrick
Place South Carolina
Location Australia & Calgary
Written by Alan B. McElroy (screenplay), Michelle Gallagher (screenplay) & Michelle Gallagher (story)
Cinematography David Eggby
Music Don Davis (composer)
Runtime 92 min

Other Action movies written by Alan B. McElroy (screenplay)

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5.2/10 | By Mark A.Z. Dippé
The United States | Action, Adventure & Fantasy
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6.3/10 | By Dwight H. Little
Thailand & The United States | Action & Thriller
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TEKKEN | Mar 20th, 2010

4.8/10 | By Dwight H. Little
Japan & The United States | Action, Crime & Drama
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