Movies like The Misfortunates to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie The Misfortunates with Kenneth Vanbaeden, Koen De Graeve, Valentijn Dhaenens & Wouter Hendrickx & created by Felix van Groeningen?

Movies like The Misfortunates with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Misfortunates?

13-year-old Gunther Strobbe grows up surrounded by alcohol, trash and his completely useless father and uncles. Slowly but surely, he's being prepared for the same hapless life. Can he defy his destiny?
Its release date is Wednesday October 7, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alcoholism, Big Family, Drinking Contest, Late For School, Overflowing Toilet, Story Told By Lead Character, Uncle Nephew Relationship, Unwanted Pregnancy & World Record
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country Belgium
Director Felix van Groeningen
Starring Kenneth Vanbaeden, Koen De Graeve, Valentijn Dhaenens & Wouter Hendrickx
Place Belgium
Location Belgium
Written by Christophe Dirickx (screenplay), Dimitri Verhulst (novel) & Felix Van Groeningen
Cinematography Ruben Impens
Music Alexandre Desplat & Jef Neve
Runtime 108 min