Movies like The Muppets Take Manhattan to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Family & Romance movie The Muppets Take Manhattan with Dave Goelz, Frank Oz, Jim Henson & Steve Whitmire & created by Frank Oz?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Muppets Take Manhattan?

Kermit and his friends go to New York City to get their musical on Broadway only to find it's a more difficult task than they anticipated.
Its release date is Friday July 13, 1984

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Amnesia, Career, Frog, Music, Musical, New York, Pig, Puppet & Puppetry
Genre Comedy, Family & Romance
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Frank Oz
Starring Dave Goelz, Frank Oz, Jim Henson & Steve Whitmire
Place Manhattan & New York City
Location New York City
Written by Frank Oz (screenplay by), Jay Tarses (screenplay by), Jay Tarses (story by), Tom Patchett (screenplay by) & Tom Patchett (story by)
Cinematography Robert Paynter
Music Ralph Burns
Runtime 94 min

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6.3/10 | By Frank Oz
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What About Bob | May 17th, 1991

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7.0/10 | By Frank Oz
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