Movies like The Net to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Net with Choi Gwi-hwa, Kim Young-min, Lee Won-keun & Ryoo Seung-bum & created by Ki-duk Kim?

Movies like The Net with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Net?

A North Korean fisherman breaks his boat engine by accident and drifts down to South Korea. After enduring brutal investigations in the South, he eventually gets sent back to North Korea.
Its release date is Thursday October 6, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic East Asia, Human Rights, North Korea & Politics
Genre Drama
Country South Korea
Director Ki-duk Kim
Starring Choi Gwi-hwa, Kim Young-min, Lee Won-keun & Ryoo Seung-bum
Written by Ki-duk Kim
Runtime 114 min

Other Drama movies by Ki-duk Kim

The Isle | Apr 22nd, 2000

The Isle
7.0/10 | By Ki-duk Kim
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Dream | Sep 26th, 2008

6.6/10 | By Ki-duk Kim
South Korea | Drama & Science Fiction
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Other Drama movies written by Ki-duk Kim

The Isle | Apr 22nd, 2000

The Isle
7.0/10 | By Ki-duk Kim
South Korea | Drama & Thriller
Google Play Vudu YouTube Fandango Fandor

3-Iron | Oct 15th, 2004

8.1/10 | By Ki-duk Kim
Japan & South Korea | Crime, Drama & Romance
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