Movies like The Piano Teacher to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie The Piano Teacher with Annie Girardot, Benoît Magimel, Isabelle Huppert & Susanne Lothar & created by Michael Haneke?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Piano Teacher?

A young man romantically pursues his masochistic piano teacher.

TAGLINE: "Perversion at its wicked best!"

Its release date is Monday May 14, 2001

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic based on novel, Bdsm, Classical Music Musicians, Fantasy, Fetish, Masochism, Mother, Pianos Pianists, Power, Self Harm Fiction, Sex & Victim
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Austria & France
Director Michael Haneke
Starring Annie Girardot, Benoît Magimel, Isabelle Huppert & Susanne Lothar
Place Vienna
Location Vienna
Written by Elfriede Jelinek (novel) & Michael Haneke
Cinematography Christian Berger
Music Martin Achenbach
Runtime 131 min

Other Drama movies by Michael Haneke

The Seventh Continent | May 19th, 1989

The Seventh Continent
7.8/10 | By Michael Haneke
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Funny Games | May 14th, 1997

Funny Games
7.6/10 | By Michael Haneke
Austria | Drama, Horror & Thriller
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