Movies like The Pond to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Horror & Mystery movie The Pond with Leslie Kunz, Marco Canadea & Paul Leonard Murray & created by Petar Pasic?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Pond?
Anthropology professor was kicked out from his university for claiming to be on the threshold of an apocalyptic discovery. Someone or something is still interested in his work.
Its release date is Tuesday February 23, 2021
Anthropology professor was kicked out from his university for claiming to be on the threshold of an apocalyptic discovery. Someone or something is still interested in his work.
Its release date is Tuesday February 23, 2021
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Documentary Singers & Documentary Women |
Genre | Drama, Horror & Mystery |
Country | Serbia |
Director | Petar Pasic |
Starring | Leslie Kunz, Marco Canadea & Paul Leonard Murray |
Location | New York (state) |
Written by | Dusan Bulic (story by & co-author) |
Runtime | 100 min |