Movies like The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex with Bette Davis, Donald Crisp, Errol Flynn & Olivia de Havilland & created by Michael Curtiz?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex?

A depiction of the love/hate relationship between Queen Elizabeth I and Robert Devereux, the Earl of Essex.

TAGLINE: "Elizabeth I's love for the Earl of Essex threatens to destroy her kingdom."

Its release date is Saturday November 11, 1939

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 16th Century, British Monarchy, Capital Punishment, Earl, Elizabeth I Of England, Queen, Queen Elizabeth I, Throne & Tudors
Genre Drama & Romance
Country The United States
Director Michael Curtiz
Starring Bette Davis, Donald Crisp, Errol Flynn & Olivia de Havilland
Place Tudor England
Written by Æneas MacKenzie (screen play), Maxwell Anderson (from the stage play by) & Norman Reilly Raine (screen play)
Cinematography Sol Polito
Music Erich Wolfgang Korngold
Runtime 106 min

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Passage to Marseille | Feb 16th, 1944

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