Movies like The Purple Taxi to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Purple Taxi with Charlotte Rampling, Fred Astaire, Peter Ustinov & Philippe Noiret & created by Yves Boisset?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Purple Taxi?
With its mauve taxi, the old philosopher Dr. Seamus Scully runs around the small green roads of the south of Ireland, becoming confident of his patients, while trying to help them find their way.
Its release date is Friday May 20, 1977
With its mauve taxi, the old philosopher Dr. Seamus Scully runs around the small green roads of the south of Ireland, becoming confident of his patients, while trying to help them find their way.
Its release date is Friday May 20, 1977
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Genre | Drama |
Country | France & Italy |
Director | Yves Boisset |
Starring | Charlotte Rampling, Fred Astaire, Peter Ustinov & Philippe Noiret |
Place | Ireland |
Location | Ireland |
Written by | Anne Dutter (adaptation), Georges Dutter (French adaptation), Michel Déon (novel) & Michel Déon (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Tonino Delli Colli |
Music | Philippe Sarde |
Runtime | 107 min |