Movies like The Quiet Ones to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie The Quiet Ones with Erin Richards, Jared Harris, Olivia Cooke & Sam Claflin & created by John Pogue?

Movies like The Quiet Ones with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Quiet Ones?

A university professor and a team of students conduct an experiment on a young woman, uncovering terrifyingly dark, unexpected forces in the process.

TAGLINE: "A shocking experiment. An unspeakable evil."

Its release date is Tuesday April 1, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1970s, Adrenalin, Adrenaline, Blood, Experiment, Mad Doctor, Paranormal Phenomena, Poltergeist & Possession
Genre Horror
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director John Pogue
Starring Erin Richards, Jared Harris, Olivia Cooke & Sam Claflin
Location Oxfordshire
Written by Craig Rosenberg (screenplay by), John Pogue (screenplay by), Oren Moverman (screenplay by) & Tom de Ville (based on the screenplay by)
Cinematography Mátyás Erdély
Music Lucas Vidal
Runtime 98 min

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