Movies like The Recall to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction movie The Recall with Jedidiah Goodacre, Laura Bilgeri, RJ Mitte & Wesley Snipes & created by Mauro Borrelli?
Movies like The Recall with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Recall?
When five friends vacation at a remote lake house they expect nothing less than a good time, unaware that planet Earth is under an alien invasion and mass-abduction.
Its release date is Friday June 2, 2017
Its release date is Friday June 2, 2017
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Science Fiction |
Country | Canada |
Director | Mauro Borrelli |
Starring | Jedidiah Goodacre, Laura Bilgeri, RJ Mitte & Wesley Snipes |
Place | California |
Location | British Columbia |
Written by | Mauro Borrelli (story by), Reggie Keyohara III, Sam Acton King & Teddy Wynne (additional writer) |
Music | Todd Bryanton |
Runtime | 90 min |