Movies like The Red Baron to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Drama movie The Red Baron with Joseph Fiennes, Lena Headey, Matthias Schweighöfer & Til Schweiger & created by Nikolai Müllerschön?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Red Baron?

German biopic loosely based on the World War I fighter ace Manfred Von Richthofen, nicknamed the Red Baron by friend and foe alike.

TAGLINE: "The Red Baron"

Its release date is Saturday March 29, 2008

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Topic Airplane, Biographical Military Personnel, Flying, Nurse & World War I
Genre Action, Adventure & Drama
Country Germany & United Kingdom
Director Nikolai Müllerschön
Starring Joseph Fiennes, Lena Headey, Matthias Schweighöfer & Til Schweiger
Place Belgium, Berlin, Germany & Lille
Time 1906 & 1918
Written by Nikolai Müllerschön
Cinematography Klaus Merkel
Music * Stefan Hansen * Dick Reichardt
Runtime 106 min