Movies like The Seventh Continent to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Seventh Continent with Birgit Doll, Dieter Berner, Leni Tanzer & Silvia Fenz & created by Michael Haneke?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Seventh Continent?

A European family who plan on escaping to Australia, seem caught up in their daily routine, only troubled by minor incidents. However, behind their apparent calm and repetitive existence, they are actually planning something sinister.
Its release date is Friday May 19, 1989

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Topic Continents
Genre Drama
Country Austria
Director Michael Haneke
Starring Birgit Doll, Dieter Berner, Leni Tanzer & Silvia Fenz
Time 1987, 1988 & 1989
Written by Johanna Teicht (script) & Michael Haneke
Cinematography Anton Peschke
Music Alban Berg
Runtime 104 min

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