Movies like The Sons of Katie Elder to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Western movie The Sons of Katie Elder with Dean Martin, John Wayne, Martha Hyer & Michael Anderson Jr. & created by Henry Hathaway?

Movies like The Sons of Katie Elder with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Sons of Katie Elder?

Ranch owner Katie Elder's four sons determine to avenge the murder of their father and the swindling of their mother.

TAGLINE: "From the four winds they came, the four brothers, their eyes smoking and their fingers itching..."

Its release date is Wednesday June 23, 1965

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic American Revenge, Brothers, Murder, Revenge, Sibling Relationship & Texas
Genre Western
Country United States of America
Director Henry Hathaway
Starring Dean Martin, John Wayne, Martha Hyer & Michael Anderson Jr.
Place Texas
Time 1898
Location Colorado & Mexico
Written by Allan Weiss, Harry Essex & William H. Wright
Runtime 122 min

Other Western movies by Henry Hathaway

True Grit | Jun 11th, 1969

True Grit
7.4/10 | By Henry Hathaway
United States of America | Western
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Wild Horse Mesa | Nov 25th, 1932

Wild Horse Mesa
6.5/10 | By Henry Hathaway
United States of America | Romance & Western
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video