Movies like The Swap to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & TV Movie movie The Swap with Callan Potter, Claire Rankin, Jacob Bertrand & Peyton List & created by Jay Karas?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Swap?

Ellie O'Brien is trying to juggle rhythmic gymnastics and troubles with her best friend. Meanwhile, classmate Jack Malloy is struggling to live up to his brothers' hockey-star legacies and dad's high expectations and tough-love approach.
Its release date is Friday October 7, 2016

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Topic Based On Young Adult Novel, Body Swapping, Body switch, Body-swap, High School, Ice Hockey, Rhythmic Gymnastics & Wish Fulfillment
Genre Comedy & TV Movie
Country The United States
Director Jay Karas
Starring Callan Potter, Claire Rankin, Jacob Bertrand & Peyton List
Location Ontario
Written by Charlie Shahnaian & Shari Simpson
Runtime 100 min

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