Movies like The Voyeur to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie The Voyeur with Cristina Garavaglia, Francesco Casale, Katarina Vasilissa & Raffaella Offidani & created by Tinto Brass?

Movies like The Voyeur with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Voyeur?

A troubled college professor becomes obsessed with the idea that his emotionally distant wife is having an affair with his invalid father.
Its release date is Thursday January 27, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adultery, based on novel, Dream, Infidelity, Jealousy, Obsession, Sex & Sexual Obsession
Genre Drama & Romance
Country Italy
Director Tinto Brass
Starring Cristina Garavaglia, Francesco Casale, Katarina Vasilissa & Raffaella Offidani
Place Rome
Written by Alberto Moravia (novel) & Tinto Brass
Cinematography *Massimo Di Venanzo
Music Riz Ortolani
Runtime 97 min

Other Drama movies by Tinto Brass

Paprika | Feb 13th, 1991

5.7/10 | By Tinto Brass
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Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

Cheeky | Jan 28th, 2000

5.6/10 | By Tinto Brass
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Caligula | Jan 21st, 1979

5.3/10 | By Bob Guccione, Giancarlo Lui, Tinto Brass & Tinto Brass, Bob Guccione, Giancarlo Lui
Italy & The United States | Drama, Historical, History & Romance
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