Movies like The War with Grandpa to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Family movie The War with Grandpa with Christopher Walken, Jane Seymour, Robert De Niro & Uma Thurman & created by Tim Hill?
Movies like The War with Grandpa with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The War with Grandpa?
Upset that he has to share the room he loves with his grandfather, Peter decides to declare war in an attempt to get it back.
Its release date is Thursday January 31, 2019
Its release date is Thursday January 31, 2019
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Comedy & Family |
Country | United States of America |
Director | Tim Hill |
Starring | Christopher Walken, Jane Seymour, Robert De Niro & Uma Thurman |
Written by | Matt Ember (screenplay by), Robert Kimmel Smith (based on the book by) & Tom J. Astle (screenplay by) |
Runtime | N/A |
Other Comedy movies by Tim Hill
Muppets from Space | Jul 14th, 1999
6.3/10 | By Tim Hill
The United States | Comedy, Fantasy & Science Fiction
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties | Jun 15th, 2006
5.0/10 | By Tim Hill & Tim Hill (director)
The United States & United Kingdom | Animation, Comedy & Family
Other Comedy movies written by Matt Ember (screenplay by)
Home | Mar 18th, 2015
6.6/10 | By Tim Johnson
United States of America | Animation, Comedy & Fantasy