Movies like The Way I Spent the End of the World to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie The Way I Spent the End of the World with Carmen Ungureanu, Doroteea Petre, Ionuţ Becheru & Timotei Duma & created by Cãtãlin Mitulescu?

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In communist era Romania, people live with hope for a new life of freedom.
Its release date is Friday September 15, 2006

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Topic Romanian New Wave & Romanian Revolution
Genre Drama
Country Romania
Director Cãtãlin Mitulescu
Starring Carmen Ungureanu, Doroteea Petre, Ionuţ Becheru & Timotei Duma
Written by Andreea Valean, Cãtãlin Mitulescu & Veronick Codolban Kazansky (french adaptation)
Cinematography Marius Panduru
Music Alexander Bălănescu
Runtime 106 min