Movies like Thea & Tuva to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Thea & Tuva with Charlotte Halvorsen, Hedvig S. Tørneng, Øystein Martinsen & Sina Håland & created by Kristian B. Walters?
Movies like Thea & Tuva with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Thea & Tuva?
Sisters Thea (14) and Tuva (12) spend their days in town to get away from their alcoholic mother and her partying friends. One day they spot a five year old girl alone in a shopping centre and take her with them.
Its release date is Wednesday June 10, 2020
Sisters Thea (14) and Tuva (12) spend their days in town to get away from their alcoholic mother and her partying friends. One day they spot a five year old girl alone in a shopping centre and take her with them.
Its release date is Wednesday June 10, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Drama |
Country | Norway |
Director | Kristian B. Walters |
Starring | Charlotte Halvorsen, Hedvig S. Tørneng, Øystein Martinsen & Sina Håland |
Written by | Kristian B. Walters (screenplay by) |
Runtime | N/A |