Movies like Themroc to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Themroc with Béatrice Romand, Francesca Romana Coluzzi, Michel Piccoli & Miou-Miou & created by Claude Faraldo?

Movies like Themroc with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Themroc?

Made without proper language, just gibberish and grunts, this is an absurdist comedy about a man who rejects every facet of normal bourgeois life and turns his apartment into a virtual cave.
Its release date is Thursday March 1, 1973

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Absurdism, Cannibalism Fiction & Incest
Genre Comedy
Country France
Director Claude Faraldo
Starring Béatrice Romand, Francesca Romana Coluzzi, Michel Piccoli & Miou-Miou
Written by N/A
Music Harald Maury
Runtime 100 min

Other Comedy movies written by N/A

Millions | Apr 8th, 2005

8.5/10 | By Danny Boyle
United Kingdom | Comedy, Crime & Drama
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Starz

4N1K | May 12th, 2017

7.5/10 | By Deniz Coskun
Turkey | Comedy
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